The program includes five types of sessions, and each has a distinct nature:
Parallel Sessions:
Several sessions of these types will occur during the parallel session times.
1) Panel Discussions
Panel discussions feature three or more panelists and a moderator. Panels will each have unique format characteristics, but you can expect to hear about the session subject from people with a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. Most panels will include question and answer sessions at the end.
2) Interactive Workshops
At an interactive workshop, one or more speaker will engage participants with the topic. There may be some prepared information, but be ready to actively contribute to the session, either through individual reflection, group work, practice, or other facilitated activities. Some interactive workshops will have limited sizes, available first-come, first-served at the time of the session.
3) World Café
Don’t let the title fool you – there are no extra cookies here. In World Café sessions, a global facilitator will lead participants in guided, specific brainstorming and discussion around pre-arranged questions. Depending on the size of the session, the global facilitator may have additional volunteers working with sub-groups. Typically, this format has each table focus on a unique topic for a fixed amount of time, then table members will individually move on to different tables of their own choosing. At the end of the session, the discussions are summarized for the whole group.
4) Idea Exchange
This is a very informal session, with no pre-defined questions or content. Anyone interested in the topic can join the group at a defined meet-up area for an informal, unguided discussion.
Connect / Reconnect Sessions:
At the beginning of the day, participants will be broken up into small groups based on the Connect / Reconnect theme they select. The objective of the Connect session is to meet people and have an opportunity to network with others who share a similar interest. At the end of the day, participants with Reconnect with the same people to share their thoughts and reflect on their experiences. Each session will be lead by a volunteer moderator.
You do not have to have experience in the Connect / Reconnect area you select – you can pick one based on interest alone. The areas for this year are:
- Academe and Research
- Consulting
- Life Sciences
- Resource Sector
- Technology Sector
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Sustainability
- NGOs and Non-profits
- Outreach and Education
- Hummingbird – where everyone belongs
- Pick one for me